I am currently procrastinating because I don't want to study for my cell bio exam. It is kicking my ass all over the place. The professor gave us the exam ahead of time so we can prepare our answers to the three questions, but the one question is just ridiculous. It involves two signalling pathways for cell proliferation and you have to manipulate these for the use of a drug to fight cancer and enhance chemotherapy. Isn't that what people get paid the big bucks to do, and if you could figure it out you would be a gazillionaire.
Anyways, Movember is over and the mustache beard thingy I had on my face is gone. I was not on a team that was trying to raise money, but doing my part to raise awareness for prostate cancer . . . How many students have money to donate and 90% of my interactions are with other students. I only grew mine for about half the month and I'm glad its gone. My face was getting so itchy especially when wearing a helmet or something over my face to stay warm. I don't think I will ever grow an awesome beard again but for next Halloween I'm thinking of being the great Steve Prefontaine and for this I will rock that 70s stache like its my job. The blonde is tough to see so it was a great surprise when people got close enough but the red on the bottom and sides was pretty nasty.
I am glad it is gone