School is on and the real racing is over. I am sorry to have left my readers (does anyone read this regularly) for such a long time, but school is on and so are all the new seasons of various tv shows. The only reason I am currently writing this is because I am procrastinating studying for a geography mid-term that I have on Tuesday. I also though this would be a good day to blog as we had a swim time trial as well as some lactate testing on the bike.
After Lakeside we took a couple weeks of down time, but never took time completely off with no swim bike run activity. I have been giving an awesome opportunity by Ken Fitzpatrick to swim with the Western varsity and boy has it been hard chasing these speedy fishes around the pool. The good news is my swim times are already starting to improve. Today I cruised a 100 to get the feel of pacing for the 400 then gave it a go in the 400. I was 4 seconds faster than I was in March, but in March I was rested and tapered where today I was the complete opposite (14x200 on 3 yesterday morning and a 40 minute run with 5 minutes at 10k pace in the evening).
The running is going well, but it has been put on the back burner a bit with the swimming rampped up. I am feeling just as fast though and that was confirmed by lactate testing with Cliff a couple weeks ago.
Cycling is our other area of focus this year. In races this year I was losing a lot of time on the bike, and this was really obvious in Lakeside when I couldn't run down guys I had beat earlier in the year because they were just to far up the road. This winter I am going to be riding at the Forest City Velodrome, and I recently added a new member to bike family. I rode on the velodrome a bit a few years ago, and I am looking forward to crank it with some real cyclists as well as some tri folks.
I hope everyone's off-season is going well and you have managed to stay in shape over Thanksgiving. Only one more food holiday to make it through.
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