Monday, June 20, 2011

Leamington Race Report

This weekend was my 3rd race in as many weeks, and surprisingly I still had some gas in the tank for one more solid effort. This was was the one I wanted to do best in out of the three since it was age group provincial sprint championships, and there was going to be some tough competition with Josh Seifarth and Ryan Power being on the confirmation list.
The day started with getting up at 4:15am, and we were out the door by 5. I was the first person at the race, and this allowed me to just get in the zone and start setting up my transition area. The 7:30am start time was way too early for my liking, and I was glad I had been getting up at 5 all through the school year to swim.

Swim - 4th 11:31 (1:33/100m)
The race started about 10 minutes late, but these ten minutes felt like an eternity. I tried to just keep moving. The harbour at Leamington was overrun with weeds and the current pretty strong. That is one problem with being little, I just get tossed around. I tried to get into a rhythm and after the first buoy I started feeling pretty good.  Andrew Lee and Ryan came out of the water just behind me, and this really helped to push me on the bike.

Bike – 4th 33:18 (36kmh)
I moved into 2nd during transition, but didn’t realize so I went out hard on the bike. I really tried to push the first half since it was into the wind. The first bike going the other way passed me about 750m from the turn around. I was a bit nervous because it was not Josh, and I thought there were others in front of me. It turned out that they were in the duathlon. Coming off the bike Ryan was still nipping at my heels so I knew I had to put in a good run or he was going to get me.

Run – 1st 18:04 (3:30/km)
The run went extremely well, and I had the fastest run in the race. The run was two loops. This was nice for the spectators especially my brother who made it to his first race and my uncle and cousins who came to watch. I find these types of courses hard to get rolling on because as soon as I start to really roll I have to slow down and turn around. I’ve heard the run was between 300m and 400m long which means this would have been my first sub 17 minute 5k in a tri. It pretty awesome because it took me until this spring to break 17 in an open 5k (did it once in high school but that was a long time ago). Unfortunately it was not enough, and I ended up with another second.

I just want to say congrats to everyone especially all the first timers. Max Lowther has improved his swim 100% and completed his first tri, and Dan and Ming completed their first du. Hopefully all will stick with it and keep improving.


  1. Congrats on a well done race! You were smoking the run course for sure! And I can confirm the run course was long by at least 250 to 350m (my Garmin has +350, my friend's +250).

  2. Also.. wife got 2 pics of you..


    Let me know if you want me to take them down.

  3. Thanks the run is definitely my strong suit. You had a great race also. The pictures are awesome.
